Herbicides are water-sensitive

Herbicide water should also be skillful. It is usually determined by several factors:

Medicament: The water consumption of some herbicides should be determined according to their physical and chemical properties. For example, the original drug of Kemyfeng is insoluble in water. When the concentration of the spray is less than 2%, the active ingredient will crystallize, so the water supply should not be too large. 13 to 20 liters is suitable; and 2,4-D butyl ester is highly volatile. Although it is a systemic herbicide for stem and leaf treatment, the water consumption should not be too low. Paraquat is highly toxic, and the large amount of water is beneficial to improve the safety of humans and animals.

Environment: When the weather and soil are dry, the amount of water should be increased appropriately.

Weeds: If the grass is thin in the field, the grass is small, the water can be less; on the contrary, the water should be more. The liquid medicine can completely cover the weeds, avoiding pesticides flowing and causing waste.

In addition, the amount of water exchange is closely related to the application method, application method, and application equipment. For example, high-efficiency grass cover can be applied with a knapsack sprayer, and the water consumption per acre is 20-30 liters. If a sprayer sprayer is used, the water consumption per acre is 7-14 liters. In addition, the amount of water used is low when used alone, and is high when mixed with broadleaf herbicides.
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