What kind of stone stone material how to care

The quality of the stone will affect the overall effect of the decoration, so the stone must be carefully selected. First of all, the surface of the stone should have a uniform fine material structure with a delicate texture; then when you buy it, you can beat the stone and listen to the sound. The stone with good quality sounds crisp. If there is a rough voice, it means that the quality is not good; It depends on whether the stone has a distributor's radioactive certificate. Next small series for everyone to introduce what kind of stone and stone care.

What kind of stone

1. Marble: It is resistant to acid and alkali, poor in weather resistance, easily absorbs liquids such as water, and is easily scratched. The best protection for polished marble is to pre-protect it with a permeable, water- and oil-repellent protective agent before putting the marble into service.

2. Limestone: easy to absorb oil, easy to be scratched and eroded. It is easier to pollute than marble. Many limestones have porosity and water absorption. It can be cleaned regularly with daily use of neutral detergent.

3, granite: the color is dark, and the surface has a pore, there is a strong water absorption, free from pollution, with the permeability of protective agent for pre-treatment, the daily use of neutral or weakly acidic cleaning agent cleaning.

4, artificial stone: mainly used for countertops or ground and other places

How to care for stone

1, stone wall water seepage: You can wash with water, do not use any cleaning agent.

2. Prevention of water spots: Multifunctional protective agent or special stone protection agent can be used before construction.

3, Bai Hua's treatment: The surface of the stone is best to do protective treatment or strengthen the waterproof function of the caulking.

4, rust treatment: You can use a strong cleaning agent, so that it can be a good removal of rust and will not hurt the stone. It is best to perform protection before installation.

5, the treatment of stains: choose a professional cleaner, so that it can be a good removal of stains

6, the treatment of wear: to regularly do the maintenance of the stone surface, the place where the wear is handled clearly

Editor's summary: What kind of stones and how to care for the stone is introduced here, I hope to be helpful to everyone. If you want to know more about yourself, you can follow the information on this site.

Stone decoration stone natural stone stone

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