How to: baby-proofing doorknobs to keep them shut

The way to baby-proof doors is to simply make it so that they can`t be opened by the inquisitive toddler. If your doors already have locks, the easiest way to baby-proof them is to simply lock them every time you close them. One option is to change out all door knobs that don`t lock with those that do have a locking mechanism, but that can be costly and really not a great option unless you didn`t really like your existing doorknobs to begin with. Baby-proofing products for doorknobs exist in a variety of formats. When choosing one for your home, the first real question in is whether or not your child is observant and capable of circumventing the lock. Believe me, you`d be amazed at how intelligent a crafty toddler can be. Don`t just assume that because you put a baby-proofing lock on the door that they`re not going to get through it! The second question is whether the lock is convenient to disable for you. Some of them can be a royal pain in the you-know-what if you have to disable them constantly to get through. My recommendations: doorknob baby-proofing products There are tons of different products for baby-proofing your door knobs, and there`s really no one [best" solution for all homes.